Musetti is a fashion brand that has been producing artisan knitwear in Parma for 60 years.
Strong identity, personal style, meticulous attention to details, high quality materials: these are the values that identify Musetti’s world.
The garment are unique masterpieces: the yarns are carefully selected for each style, the workmanship combines innovative technologies and ancient processes.
Every piece is studied, designed and produced in Italy, from beginning to end.
@ 2022 MAGLIFICIO MUSETTI SNC DI GIOVANNI E LANTE MUSETTI | Via Giorgio Sidney Sonnino, 32/A - 43126 PARMA (PR)
Phone +39 0521 992245 - Fax +39 0521 983154 | Email: | C.F. E P.IVA: 00250130341 | PEC:
REA: 122281 – CCIAA 027-7180 – REG. IMPRESE ARTIGIANE 31221 | CAPITALE SOCIALE: EURO 60.000,00